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July 19, 2008


Dear SVE Property Owners,
Wow.  We had a great day on Saturday, July 19.  SVE looks great with our maintenance contractor doing an excellent job.
Attending the quarterly board meeting were: Allen Wolf, Lonne Petroskey, Kurt Shoecraft, Sharon Koppe, Larry and Nancy Wojtowicz, William and Pamela Wolz, Sue Williams, Bill and Donna Criscione, Bill Law, Ken Thomas, Peter Wendling.  On the phone we had Pat Olson (sorry Pat, we lost you at the end).
While Sharon Koppe will publish the official minutes in the next few weeks, I want to share with you some of the decisions we made:

We will erect a box to distribute SVE literature in the George Johnson Park
We will add a sign near the SVE entrance with our web address
We will streamline communications within the Architectural Committee to assure a quick response to owners looking to modify their property.
Bill Law and Sue Williams will present a proposal at the annual meeting to add mailbox stands and ensure on-going maintenance
We will re-institute a newsletter
Pamela and William Wolz will take charge of sending out welcome packets to new owners
We will update and distribute the SVE Property Owners directory
New, useful links will be added to the website
Tim Suppes will replace the tetherball
Sue Williams will contact the county regarding the missing street sign at River Ridge Drive
Would you say we have a lot going on???
Lonne Petroskey paid some bills and says there’s still enough money in the treasury.  We now have in excess of 45 homes in SVE.
If anyone has seen a lonely cat wandering around, we found its lost owner.  It is Sue Williams.
Following the meeting, we had approximately 30 people at the picnic in the Children’s Park.  All of the early work on the park was done by Tim Suppes.  At the picnic we inaugurated our latest addition – a fabulous cement picnic table. 
Shortly after arrival, we were caught in a torrential downpour which generated overwhelming support for the construction of a pavilion at the Children’s Park and in the clearing where the old basketball court stood.  (There was also talk of building a lake.  Who knows???  We will propose a formal resolution on the pavilions at the annual meeting.
We enjoyed the added company of George and Mary Johnson and their daughter Jill (from New York), Donna Shoecraft and daughter, Anne Wendling and daughters ( Christina and Julia),  Donna Thomas,  Tim and Jill Suppes and their boys, (Noah, Carter and Cody), Stephanie Koppe, Karen Law, and John Williams.
Many people didn’t know each other so this was a fabulous opportunity to connect (especially when the rain finally stopped).
We are grateful to Anne and Peter Wendling who bought all of the food, delivered everything and to Peter, who was a master chef at the park grill. 
It was great seeing George and Mary Johnson after a one year absence.  George is back to his old self again after a year of health issues.  George served as president of the Association for 25 years.  Among his many accomplishments is the paving of SVE roads.
One last item.  Someone in SVE or passing through has been dumping garbage on the side of the road.  Please pass the word, if we catch this individual, we will pursue legal prosecution.  In the meantime, we appreciate everyone watching out for this person and appreciate those of you who are picking up other people’s trash until we catch this individual.  SVE is beautiful and we will keep it that way!
Enjoy the rest of summer.  We hope to see you at the annual meeting on October 4.  Mark your calendar now! 
Best wishes,
Allen Wolf

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