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Summer 2002 Newsletter

From the President… 

I know where I was on May 11, 2002.  Where were you?

The weatherman had dire predictions—cold and wet.  But it was neither.  The weather cooperated for the first annual SVE canoe trip down the Jordan River. Few humans participated, but there were lots of birds, ducks and even a beaver to entertain us.

Wayne Koppe, Heidi Lang and friend, Ashley, and Mandy Garver and Allen Wolf enjoyed the exciting trip.  We spent 2 ½ hours on the river.  We demonstrated our skills in the fast moving current as we navigated around fallen trees and the natural bends of the meandering river.  It was great fun. 

Later that day, we had our monthly board meeting.   Following the meeting we enjoyed a barbecue dinner prepared by Mandy Garver and Karen Law.  Close to 30 people enjoyed hot dogs and hamburgers at Northwoods Lodge.

We all enjoyed meeting some of our more recent purchasers.  Frank and Nancy Dean, who purchased three lots in SVE, were there.  Frank, a builder, is busy with a new construction project – a new home he's building for his son, Michael, being built on one of the two lots Michael just purchased in SVE.  More about the Deans and other new purchasers in this issue. 

We were also joined by Kurt and Kelley Shoecraft, who purchased the first of the new log homes built in SVE on West Village Drive.  The Shoecrafts were joined by their children.  The Shoecrafts are busy putting the finishing touches and heating system into their new vacation home.  They are anxious to meet their new neighbors and encourage you to stop in and say hi. 

As you'll see in the meeting minutes, work is progressing on the development of Johnson Park.  We are also pursuing plans for a new children's park.  The children’s park will be located on some property we are presently in the process of acquiring. 

An election committee has been formed to handle this year's election of trustees.  Please contact one of the committee members to express your interest.  If you do not wish to be on the board, perhaps your talents can be best utilized on one of the many committees and projects we have underway.  The committee members are Wayne Koppe, Howard Benford, and Doug Galbraith. 

Did you receive your SVE and Antrim County directories?  Just another benefit of membership in the Association.  Our thanks to Jerry Sommer for orchestrating the mailing and obtaining the Antrim directories for us. 

The trash dumpster has been a huge success.  We had to increase the frequency of pick-ups to weekly because of all of the use.  The cost is just marginally more.  The cost is about $4 per property owner per year. 

Speaking of money, our treasury is looking good.  We have slightly more than $40,000 in the treasury.  The improvements to Johnson Park and the creation of the children's park will be funded with part of this money.  Road shoulder maintenance during the summer and the cost of mailings are substantial annual expenses.  All of this is going on while maintaining our dues at less than ½ of the planned dues when SVE was formed over 30 years ago! 

Did you get out and look for morels in the SVE area?  Did you have any luck?  Tell us about it.  When I asked at the meeting, no one was willing to share their favorite morel sites with me?  Whatever happened to sharing???  It just reminds me about what a great place SVE is.  Skiing and snowmobiling in the winter; morels and hiking in the spring; boating, golfing, fishing and swimming in the summer; and lets not forget fall colors.  Know anyone looking to sell their lot for $6,000 or less?  Not anymore! 

Enjoy SVE this summer.  There's so much to do and it will be gone before you know it!  (Psst…  Where's the best spot to catch some rainbow trout in Cedar River?  I won't tell anyone else.  Honest!) 

Allen Wolf


New Owners

Bret and Dana Baker 

Scott Fore 

Jill Laughlin and Nancy Dean 

Timothy and Jill Suppes, 

Michael Dean and Nancy Dean



Allen Wolf requested a committee be formed for the duty of soliciting candidates for future election of officers and board members.  Members of the committee will be Doug Galbraith, Howard Benford, Lonne Petroskey, Heidi Lang.


(This is only a select portion of the June newsletter.  Contact us for the full edition.)

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