TO: All SVE Property Owners
FROM: Peter R. Wendling
RE: Annual Meeting, Upcoming Meetings, Requests
Enclosed and attached in this letter is the statement of cash, receipts and expenditures from
January 1, 2007 through December 31, 2007. The board has elected its officers for this year as
President of SVEPOA: Allen Wolf
Vice President: Peter R. Wendling
Treasurer: Lonne Petroskey
Secretary: Sharon Koppe
All other members are trustees. This information will be posted on the SVE website. The board
also set the meetings for the 2008 year. The next regular board meeting which will be held at the
law offices of Young, Graham, Elsenheimer & Wendling, P.C. in Bellaire will be Saturday April
26, 2008 at 10:00am. The address is 104 E. Forest Home Avenue. The subsequent meetings will
be held on Saturday, July 19, 2008 at 10:00am with the annual meeting being held on Saturday,
October 4, 2008 at 10:00am. We encourage all members who can to attend meetings. We will
also be providing advance notice as to the locations of the July and October meetings. I am also
sending along with this letter a draft agenda for the April 26th meeting. The board has also
discussed putting on a social event on July 19 th. Details regarding this will be forthcoming.
In the interim, on behalf of the board, I wish all of you an enjoyable winter. If you come up to
the area, please take advantage of the excellent cross country and downhill skiing being provided
at Schuss Mountain. Conditions have been phenomenal!
Peter R. Wendling